Ring, Armbänder, Ohrstecker, Blusen in Creme und Schwarz (H&M Trend), blauer Pullover (H&M L.O.G.G.) und Rock in Sahara und Lederoptik(H&M Devided). Kristall-Kette von Accessorize.
Celebrities can be partly defined by what they wear and not just by how they act on camera. But when celebrities are caught on camera behaving badly, what impact does this have on the label behind the nice designer clothes they are wearing?
» teetharejade « is written by the twin sisters Desi & Nisi since July 2008. This blog is about fashion, beauty & lifestyle. They share their outfits, beauty wishes and recommendations as well as their recent purchases. Moreover they give insights into their travels & adventures, events and personal lifes.
For all those men who say „Why marry the cow when the milk is free“ news flash we women say „Why buy the whole pig for a little sausage!“
Celebrities can be partly defined by what they wear and not just by how they act on camera. But when celebrities are caught on camera behaving badly, what impact does this have on the label behind the nice designer clothes they are wearing?