Lone Rock Beach

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

Nun ist der USA-Road Trip, den ich mit meinem Freund gemacht habe, fast 2 Monate her und ich habe noch keine Fotos dazu auf dem Blog gezeigt. Dabei sind auf der Reise so einige schöne Shots entstanden, denn wir haben uns atemberaubende Spots für unsere Route ausgesucht. Ich konnte meinen Freund dazu überreden, an ein paar Locations Fotos für mich zu machen. Da muss man auf Reisen immer schauen, dass alles in Balance bleibt – man möchte nicht die ganze Urlaubszeit damit verbringen, Fotos zu machen, aber ebenso möchte man sich einzigartige Backdrops nicht entgehen lassen.

Hier ist also nun Teil 1 von unserer Fotoserie, die auf unserem Roadtrip entstanden ist. Geshootet haben wir an einem Morgen am Lone Rock Beach in Utah. Viele Klamotten hatte ich auf der Reise nicht dabei, daher wird stylingtechnisch nicht wirklich Weltbewegendes oder Neues dabei sein. Es ging eher darum, schöne Fotos (mit einen kleinen Modeaspekt) an schönen Orten zu schießen.

It’s been 2 months since my boyfriend and I came back from out US road trip and I still haven’t shown any pictures on the blog yet. Er actually did some really nice shots since we visited a couple of breathtaking places along the route. I managed to convince my boyfriend to take pictures of me at some of those locations. During travel it’s all about balance. I don’t want to spend the whole vacation on taking photos but at the same time I don’t want to miss out on capturing some of those beautiful backdrops.
So here’s part I of the photo series we created during our trip. We shot this one on an early morning at Lone Rock Beach in Utah. I didn’t bring a lot of clothes for the trip, so don’t expect something big on the styling front. It was more about shooting at those beautiful locations – with just a bit of fashion.

Oversized white shirt & Other Stories. Black flared trousers Weekday (similar). Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear. Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy.

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

WARDROBE ESSENTIAL the white shirt — only partially buttoned

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

wearingOversized white shirt& Other Stories. Black flared trousers – Weekday (similar). Oval sunglassesCeline Eyewear. Gold chunky chain necklaceEstée LaLonde x Daisy.Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy
Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

FLARED by design and SOAKED in seawater

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

„[dip] verb (used without object), dipped or (Archaic) dipt; dip·ping. To dip is to put down into a liquid quickly or partially and lift out again.“ — Dictionary

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy


We arrived at 10:00 am at LONE ROCK BEACH at Lake Powell in Utah. There’s hardly any soul around except for some campers. The surface of the water is almost as smooth as a MIRROR. But not after I dipped in while wearing wardrobe ESSENTIALS — the white shirt and black tailored trousers — to shoot some photos.

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

LOCATION lone rock beach, utah, usa PHOTOGRAPHY jt aka the boyfriend

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

Outfit at Lone Rock Beach: Oversized white shirt & Other Stories, Black flared trousers Weekday, Oval sunglasses Celine Eyewear, Gold chunky chain necklace Estée LaLonde x Daisy

Written by Nisi

Januar 29th, 2020 05:23 pm. Comments


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» teetharejade « is written by the twin sisters Desi & Nisi since July 2008. This blog is about fashion, beauty & lifestyle. They share their outfits, beauty wishes and recommendations as well as their recent purchases. Moreover they give insights into their travels & adventures, events and personal lifes.

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